Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mom's new blog

If you can't beat them, join them, right? Too bad Matt wasn't able to get his site back to par and fight off the evil spam any longer. This is Mom's new blog. I got tired of waiting for her to put one together herself and since it was so easy I just put it together for her. I hope you like it, Mom! You can easily make adjustments or just let Matt or I know and it will get fixed.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's an old pic! Sariah had 1/2 the number of kids she has now. I remember that picture being taken, we had just moved into our house. Congrats on the new blog, mom. Guess I need to update my links.

Laura said...

yay!!!!!!! I love the new blog =). We anxiously await a posting =)!

S said...

Post. Post. Post. Post. Post. Whooooooo hoooooooooo!!!

matt said...

hi mom