If I can do this, I should be able to figure out how to do some others.
William, I have tried to leave comments on your blog, but alas, there is a notice that it won't accept my comments. Take your kids to do something fun before you all go back to school. They haven't been swimming, hiking, played soccer, gone to a real park all summer. That would be fun for all of you. Free lunch in the park does not qualify as a family event unless all of you go! It just barely qualifies as a lunch, depending on what they get that day. Sometimes it is just chocolate milk in the park.
Ben has a blog now! Check it out. Grassclippings in the shoes.
Michael is going to be baptized on September 6; Ammon will be blessed on the 7th in Utah.
If you get here by Sept. 4th you'll get a thrird major event with Olivia's first day of school!!!!
I have already committed to work Friday, the 5th until the plane taxis off the runway. Some people are really desperate!!!!!!!
William's site is experiencing some technical difficulties. I guess Apple changed their .mac accounts to .me accounts and seems they have a few bugs to work out.
I truely missed being able to spend time like that with my family this summer. Between work and tubes running out of me, I was not able to swim with them. I am going to have a differnt Graft for Dialysis put in in the next month or two, so next summer I will be able to swim and do more with them. I really have missed those times spent with the kids as they continue to grow. It is making me feel like I am missing the best part of parenthood.
wow - that is a very relaxing picture to look at! I can relate to everything everyone has said here....it makes me want to do something fun as a family this weekend. I just wish it could be with all of you!
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